Saturday, December 16, 2006

School's out for summer ...

No, we haven't been having sex for all of that time!

But, I finally finished school for the year yesterday and I have finally had an opportunity to actually catch up here. I can't believe so much time has passed - but I'm not surprised at the same time. Every year my job has grown and the end of the year is one of the biggest times of all. I have had so many responsibilities that anything remotely related to 'me time' has gone out the window (really, you should see my bikini line!!!).

So the sex for this cycle doesn't seem to have worked (for reproduction anyway). I have another cycle to go before I begin my next IVF cycle when Dr Challenge returns from his holidays. It's actually been quite liberating on this 'down time'. I have had another glimpse of what life used to be like before IF. I had forgotten the freedom I used to have. To eat and drink what I wanted. To not have blood tests a few mornings a week. No jabbing, stabbing or tabbing. To be too busy to remember I was infertile. It's really been quite absent.

And now I'm on holidays for 6 weeks! It's such an awesome feeling that I'm not going to think about it for a little while longer. We have our third wedding anniversary next week and numerous Christmas parties and events. Then Christmas, New Year and AB on holidays for a few weeks. All too much fun to be bogged down by my burdens.

Sorry about my absence, but I will visit you all over the next few days.