Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Spotting today.
Scan tomorrow.

My heart is sinking.


At 6:46 pm, Blogger Bea said...

Fingers crossed... blah blah all the things you already know about how plenty of women spot etc etc.

Best of luck...


At 7:19 pm, Blogger ColourYourWorld said...

Ditto to what Bea said.

Good Luck Stella !

At 9:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Stella, I am hoping very hard for you. May everything, everything turn out all right.

At 12:38 am, Blogger Thalia said...

Hoping very hard that this is the non-scary kind of spotting. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

At 12:55 am, Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Good luck tomorrow Stella. I so hope that everything is okay.

At 3:25 am, Blogger ellie said...

I hope it all turns out ok. I know the worry alone must be hard- and the waiting. Why do we always have to wait for everything. My thougths are with you.

At 3:37 am, Blogger Hopeful Mother said...

Hoping and praying that it is nothing...

At 4:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang on, Stella! We're all keeping everything crossed and hoping and praying for you.

At 9:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoping the spotting is nothing.

I will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes ok with your scan.

At 9:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, you can do it.
I will be thinking about you tonight and hoping, wishing/praying that the scan goes well.


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